Leaf Removal (Push to Complete)
Blowing of All Paved Areas and Debris Removal (Total Clean-Up)
Tree Sucker Removal
Post-emergence Weed Control As Needed, Shrubs and Turf
Start Tree Raising of Lower Limbs
Fertilize, Weed and Deadhead Flowers As Needed (If Installed By Our Company)
Start Winter Pine Straw Mulching After Leaf Removal
Begin Turf Pre-emergence Herbicides (1st Treatment)
Final Leaf Removal
Tree Raising of Lower Limbs
Fertilize, Weed and Deadhead Flowers As Needed (If Installed By Our Company)
Spray Any Fescue in Bermuda Turf
Pine Straw Mulch Applications (If Requested)
Post-emergence Weed Control for Turf and Beds (As Needed)
Crape Myrtle Pruning
Liriope Cut Back
Winter Pruning of Shrubs
Begin Turf Scalping (Bermuda and Zoysia ONLY)
Turf Scalping (Bermuda and Zoysia Only)
Turf Fertilization of Fescue
Remove all Fescue in Bermuda Turf Areas
Tree Raising and Sucker Removal
Finish Turf Pre-emergence Herbicides (1st Treatment)
Turf Post-emergence Herbicides
Liriope Cut Back
Fertilize, Weed and Deadhead Flowers As Needed (If Installed By Our Company)
Pine Straw Applications (If Requested)
Finish Winter Pruning of shrubs
Finish All Liriope and Pampas Grass Cut Back
Finish Turf Scalping (Bermuda and Zoysia ONLY)
Fertilize, Weed and Deadhead Flowers As Needed (If Installed By Our Company)
Finish Final Mulch Applications
Bed Pre-emergence Herbicides Applications
Remove Die Back From Lower Limbs in Small Trees
Spring Tree and Shrub Fertilization
Rose Bush Pruning
Finish Pruning of Crape Myrtles
Turf Fertilization (High Nitrogen; Slow Release)
Turf Post-emergence Herbicides
Shrub Pruning of New Growth (As Needed)
Spring Start-Up of Irrigation System
Inspect Trees, Turf, Shrubs for Insects and Disease and Treat If Needed
Start Spring Flower Installation
Begin Full-Scale Turf Mowing, Trimming and Edging
Begin 2nd Turf Pre-emergence Herbicide Treatments
Finish 2nd Turf Pre-emergence Herbicides Treatment
Mitocides/Iron On Junipers
Fertilize, Deadhead and Weed Flowers As Needed (If Installed By Our Company)
Turf Post-emergence Weed Control (As Needed)
Turf Mowing and Edging
Turf and Bed Trimming
Pruning of Shrubs (As Needed)
Treat Any Turf or Shrub Insect or Disease Infestations (If Necessary)
Fertilize Any Turf Exhibiting Poor Green-Up (Use Iron for a Greener Color)
Remove Tree Suckers and Any Vines From Shrubs
Finish Flower Installation
Mitocides/Iron On Non-Green Junipers
Turf Fertilization (Slow Release)
Turf Mowing and Edging
Turf Post-emergence Weed Control (As Needed)
Bed Trimming
Fertilize, Weed and Deadhead Flowers As Needed (If Installed By Our Company)
Pruning of Shrubs (As Needed)
Prune Azaleas After Bloom Senescence
Fertilize Azaleas
Check For Turf and Shrub Insect Infestations or Disease, and Treat As Necessary
Remove Tree Suckers and Any Vines From Shrubs
Fertilize, Weed and Deadhead Flowers As Needed (If Installed By Our Company)
Turf Mowing and Edging
Turf Post-emergence Weed Control As Needed
Bed Trimming and Weeding
Treat Disease Incidence As Necessary
Shrub Pruning (As Needed)
Finish Pruning Azaleas After Bloom Senescence
Finish Fertilizing Azaleas
Remove Tree Suckers and Any Vines from Shrubs
Turf Fertilization (Light, Slow Release)
Turf Mowing and Edging
Bed Weeding and Edging
Turf and Bed Post-emergence Pesticides (Spot Treatments)
Remove Tree Suckers and Any Vines From Shrubs
Shrub Pruning As Necessary
Soil Samples Taken Where Needed
Fertilize, Weed and Deadhead Flowers As Needed (If Installed By Our Company)
Check Trees for Insects (As Needed)
Check Turf and Shrubs for Disease and Insects (Treat If Necessary)
Remove Any Bermuda Growing in Fescue Turf Areas and Prepare for Fall Seeding
Turf Mowing, Edging & Trimming
Turf Weed Control Post-emergence (As Needed, Spot Treatments)
Lime Turf If Requested (Extra Charge)
Bed Edging and Trimming
Tree and Shrub Fertilization (Well Balance Fertilizer)
Treat Disease and Insect Incidence As Needed in Shrubs and Turf
Aerate, Overseed and Fertilize Fescue Areas As Needed (Wheat Straw Thin Areas)
Fertilize, Weed and Deadhead Flowers As Needed (If Installed By Our Company)
Begin Fall Fertilization of All Turf with High Potassium Fertilizer
Begin Fall Leaf Removal
Fall Shrub Pruning and Shaping
Turf Mowing and Edging (As Needed)
Begin Fall Annual Flower Installation
Treat Disease and Insect Incidence As Needed in Turf and Shrubs
Finish Fall Turf Fertilization (High Potassium)
Complete Fall Aeration, Overseeding and Fertilization of Fescue Turf
Finish Fertilizing All Trees and Shrubs (Balanced Fertilization)
Spot Mowing As Needed
Leaf Removal (This Will Be the Most Time-Consuming Item)
Turf Edging (As Needed)
Shrub Pruning As Needed and Begin Winter Pruning
Turf Off Irrigation System and Winterize
Fall Post-emergence Weed Control As Needed, Turf and Shrubs
Fertilize, Weed and Deadhead Flowers As Needed (If Installed By Our Company)
Finish Fall Annual Flower Installation