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Record Breaking Rainfall in 2020 with more Foretasted for March
In January and February Atlanta received a combined total of 18.59 inches of rain. That’s 9.72 inches over the 30-year average.
Atlanta has only received more than the 10.58 inches received in February, one month in the last 24 years. That was the 14.63 inches received in July of 2005 and we saw mass flooding.
The 18.59 inches is 2.47 inches more than the 16.12 inches we received in the last 6 months of 2019 (Jul-Dec).
If we didn’t receive any rain between now and the end of April, we would still be 1.55 inches above the 30 year average for the 1st four months of 2020.
The link above will take you to the Russell Landscape 2020 March Landscape Alert that addresses this issue.
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